Leaseweb Service Status: Improving our communication on maintenance and incidents

At Leaseweb, we are constantly striving to provide better service for our customers. We regularly reach out to our customers to understand what we do well and where we can improve.

A recent survey informed us that our communication about planned maintenance and incidents could be improved. The results of the survey drove us to understand that less is more, and transparency is key. Here are the most important findings from our customers:

  • Communicating less, but with increased relevance is preferred
  • Refine the language used and clearly mention all impacted services
  • Include specific notifications on all maintenance planning

With this feedback in mind, we have been working on a Leaseweb service status solution to improve our communication on maintenance and incidents.

We are now proud to present the launch of the following enhancements, starting today:

  • Enhanced targeting to send you only the most relevant notifications, reducing the number of communications in your inbox
  • Our communications to mention specifically which of your services are impacted
  • My Leaseweb Status section is added to your Customer portal showing a clear calendar and overview of your maintenance periods

    Calendar view from within customer portal
  • One-click saving of maintenance periods to your personal calendar
  • Renewed website

We hope this update marks a clear step forward in improving your experience with Leaseweb. We would like to thank you for bringing your feedback forward in our survey and helping us continue to improve our service to you.

The Leaseweb Customer Experience Team

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