7 Pitfalls of Digital Transformation to Avoid

All companies must go through a digital transformation, because no matter what your product or service is, no company can avoid becoming an IT company as well. Whether it is e-commerce, supply chain management, or order management; if it is not digitally in order, you will irrevocably fall behind the competition. Managers with digital plans […]

3 Tips for Those Considering an Automated Dedicated Server Solution

Thinking about using an automated dedicated server solution for the first time? Good news – you don’t have to invent everything from scratch. We spoke with Hagen Rother, Lead Architect and Head of IT at LiquidM, a Berlin-based company running one of the first self-service Demand Side Platforms (DSP) on the market. With high amounts of automation being done in a smart way, LiquidM has […]

What Digital Agencies Should Look for in Infrastructure Providers

At Leaseweb, we understand the daily challenges AdTech companies experience while attempting to manage large and complex campaigns without the appropriate technologies and support. It is abundantly clear that infrastructure complications are an equal opportunity nuisance, but when infrastructure solutions fail for AdTech companies, it frequently results in extended outages with lost revenues and shaken […]

3 ways to maximize advertising and website ROI through IaaS

Customers want content delivered instantly. Whether it’s articles & videos or any type of advertising inventory pushed from a Supply-Side Platform (SSP) to a Demand-Side Platform (DSP), Owned Media, or big data being transmitted into a Data Management Platform (DMP) and used for analysis and real-time optimizations, it has to appear on the screen in […]