Last Saturday, a team of Leaseweb employees travelled to the Dutch city of Lelystad. Their mission: help make 71 children pilot for a day!
The Hoogvliegers Foundation (Stichting Hoogvliegers) gives terminally and/or chronically ill and handicapped children a wonderful experience by letting them fly in an airplane. They do this by organizing special ‘Hoogvlieger days’. Leaseweb sponsored the most recent Hoogvliegers day, taking care of food and lemonade for the children and even flying them around in an airplane.
It started when the kids were picked up by massive trucks and driven to Lelystad Airport. The merry convoy was escorted all the way to the airport by fire trucks and the police, who let loose with blaring sirens and lights! That alone was already a big adventure for most of the kids.

Upon entering the airport the kids registered at the Leaseweb hangar, where they were given a number. When the number was put up on a sign, it was their turn to go up in the air. In the meantime, there were many different activities to participate in, such as exploring the inside of an air ambulance helicopter or helping the fire brigade put out fires. There were also various airplanes on display. And if the children were a bit too excited, clown Okidoki did his best to ease their nerves and make them laugh.

Once it was somebody’s turn to fly, they were picked up by the pilot and taken to the plane. If possible mom or dad would also come along. The pilot explained how everything worked inside the aircraft and take off. Once in the air, every child got to fly the plane for a while! This earned them a Hoogvliegers flying certificate, awarded to every child when they landed.

Of course, we wanted to make the memory of the day last as long as possible, so we gave every kid a Leaseweb kite and cap to take home with them. At the end of the day, everyone (kids, parents, volunteers) had a huge smile on their face. All in all, it was a great success, and we look forward to the next Hoogvliegers Day!

If you would like to know more about the fantastic initiative called the Hoogvliegers Foundation, be sure to visit their website (only available in Dutch).
Leaseweb often participates in various activities for non-profit organizations. If you want to know more about our Corporate Social Responsibility Program, take a look here.