How the European Union is Rebalancing the Global Cloud Market

The global cloud market needs a major rehaul. Over half of the worldwide cloud market share is dominated by five companies (think AWS, Google, Microsoft, etc.). No industry can operate as a free market (or even really be considered one) when big brands are this dominant, and the cloud market is no exception. Monopolies leave […]

How To Create An Interconnected Cloud Computing Environment

The world of cloud is becoming more and more a world of interconnected cloud services. Using features like Virtual Private Network Tunnels, you can securely interconnect cloud environments with each other over the public Internet. If you run workloads in a public cloud environment (such as Amazon AWS or Microsoft Azure) as well as on […]

Why Choose Leaseweb VMware?

Whether you’re taking your first steps into virtualization, expanding your local infrastructure into the cloud, hybridizing your bare metal infrastructure, or adopting a multi-cloud strategy for workload diversification and cost optimization, Leaseweb’s VMware solutions are the best choice for your business. Here’s why: VMware: It is the gold standard for virtual deployments. It’s ubiquitous, feature-rich, […]

How to Set up a Secure VPN Between Dedicated Servers and the Cloud

A Virtual Private Network (VPN) allows you to create a secure connection to another network via the Internet. VPNs are one of the easiest ways to set up secure data communications and should be the first place you look when exploring secure network connection options. With the right software and knowledge, setting up your own VPN is relatively easy to do and is a budget-friendly option for secure data communications.  There […]

New Research Reveals 5 Big Cloud Infrastructure Trends

This year at DeveloperWeek Austin, the largest developer event in Texas and the southern US, we took the opportunity to conduct a survey of attendees – including developers/engineers, developer managers and executives. This “Developer IaaS Insights Study” revealed a number of current industry trends and confirmed Leaseweb USA’s own experiences of the rapidly evolving cloud […]

What are the infrastructure requirements for Artificial Intelligence?

In the past few years, I have been asked several times about how Leaseweb positions itself towards Artificial Intelligence (AI). As Leaseweb is mainly focusing on delivering fast and reliable Infrastructure as a Service, we’re not offering AI services directly to our customers.    Having said that, we work with many customers who deliver AI services […]