The world of cloud is becoming more and more a world of interconnected cloud services. Using features like Virtual Private Network Tunnels, you can securely interconnect cloud environments with each other over the public Internet.
If you run workloads in a public cloud environment (such as Amazon AWS or Microsoft Azure) as well as on Leaseweb infrastructure, you have the ability to link both environments together over a direct private connection. This reduces security concerns and increases performance.
The Cloud Exchange
Although connecting directly between two or more cloud providers has been possible for a while now, the interconnection of two Points of Presence locations can be a challenge, requiring a third-party network connectivity provider to step in for a dedicated connection. This typically requires a relatively long delivery lead time and an even longer-term contract.
A cloud exchange adds more flexibility and makes private network interconnections easier. It also reduces the time needed for provisioning and contains more flexible commercial terms.
For example, if you would like to interconnect your own (or leased) dedicated infrastructure at Leaseweb (in a colocation rack or private rack) together with Microsoft Azure over an Azure ExpressRoute circuit, the below steps can be taken for setting up.
How to Interconnect
- Request a port from your Cloud Exchange provider (e.g. Megaport) to interconnect via a Leaseweb cross-connect circuit to your Leaseweb infrastructure. You will receive a Letter of Authorization (LoA) from Megaport to physically connect to the ordered port.
- Next, request a new Leaseweb cross-connect circuit to the Meet Me Room. Note – the physical cross-connect fiber will need to be interconnected inside your Leaseweb rack to a private switch, which needs to be physically separate from the public switch(es).
- Request a new (private) Azure ExpressRoute circuit in the Azure Resource Manager portal. After this is done the (security) key can be copied.
- Lastly, enter the key of your Azure ExpressRoute into your Megaport portal to interconnect your Megaport with your Azure ExpressRoute.
See the image below (or view the PDF version here) for a visual overview of how interconnected cloud environments function.
After completing these steps, you will have set up a private cloud interconnect between your Leaseweb infrastructure and your Azure VPC environment.
A more detailed and step-by-step description for Azure can be found here on the Megaport Knowledge Base.
Happy interconnecting!
Alternative: Leaseweb Cloud Connect
If you are using Leaseweb Private Networking you can also order Leaseweb Cloud Connect for a cloud interconnect with your AWS VPC (and other cloud providers in the near future). Please note, this service is only available from select Leaseweb data centers (for now).