Leaseweb clients treading-in!

Last week a group of valued Leaseweb clients were invited to a day at the Amsterdam Polo Trophy. The clients were invited to watch some competitive polo with a small group of client facing Leaseweb employees at the ‘Amsterdamse Bos’ as well as enjoying some great food, drinks, networking, music and of course watching some […]

Extended business hours for sales (Saturday)

We love hearing your opinion, not only because it gives us a clear idea of what your needs are but most of all because you have such awesome ideas! We’ve really been focused lately in talking to our customers more, whether through emails, phone, Twitter, Facebook or even through this very blog. We’re constantly working […]

Organizations are still making common security mistakes with their websites

Have you ever checked out It’s a very high-profile British IT magazine. They published a really interesting today, based on an interview with our Leaseweb Security Officer Alex de Joode. He relates some insights on the security mistakes many professionally maintained websites still contain. The article also digs into how you, as an owner […]