Think about eggs when devising your network interconnection strategy

The market for “interconnection services” is booming as various businesses are realizing the potential of “digital transformation”, “connected enterprises”, “hybrid hosting” and “edge computing”. So, what’s the best (network) interconnection strategy to ensure you can enable the technology for you and your customers, while still being responsive to changing market dynamics and user requirements? In […]

Leaseweb Service Status: Improving our communication on maintenance and incidents

At Leaseweb, we are constantly striving to provide better service for our customers. We regularly reach out to our customers to understand what we do well and where we can improve. A recent survey informed us that our communication about planned maintenance and incidents could be improved. The results of the survey drove us to […]

How the Cloud Can Help the FinTech Industry Thrive

Over the past ten years, we have witnessed a major e-commerce boom. This thriving industry created the need for ecosystem relationship management, or ERM, boosting a healthy ecosystem of start-up tech suppliers to serve several industries with online transactions. Financial technology, or FinTech for short, is what makes these types of financial services possible online. […]

Use MSPs to Maximize and Manage Your SaaS Solutions

Between 2017 and 2022, the managed services industry is predicted to grow from USD $152.45 billion to $257.84 billion, representing a compound annual growth rate of over 11 percent. Within the managed services market shines cloud-based technology, representing the fastest growing deployment type.