Leaseweb Awarded Climate Neutral Data Center Certificate

We are excited to share that Leaseweb Netherlands and Leaseweb Germany have each been awarded the Climate Neutral Data Center Certificate! This certifies that these entities meet requirements in circular economy (recycling IT equipment and waste neutrality) as per goals to achieve climate neutrality by 2030. As a signatory of the Climate Neutral Data Center Pact, successfully passing this audit was a requirement which we were proud to achieve.   

So, what exactly does this certificate mean? In this blog, we explain the auditing process and the requirements that we met in order to receive the Climate Neutral Data Center Certificate. 

Circular Economy Requirements Met

In order to successfully pass the audit for a Circular Economy, Leaseweb had to demonstrate that the reuse, repair and recycling of servers, electrical equipment and other related electrical components is a priority for our data center operators. Additionally, our entities must set a high bar for circular economy practices and will assess for reuse, repair, or recycling 100% of our used server equipment. Leaseweb has established that we will increase the quantity of server materials repaired or reused and will create a target percentage for repair and reuse by 2025.  

We were able to demonstrate to the auditors that we are currently using our IT equipment until it can no longer be used. We even go as far as dismantling servers and using parts that still work. Once a piece of equipment reaches end-of-life, we demonstrated that we recycle it with a trusted provider in order to give the lowest environmental impact. 

Working Towards the ISO 14001

The ISO 14001 certificate is based on a standard for environmental management within companies. Leaseweb Netherlands already uses 100% renewable energy at our data centers, as well as reusing or recycling IT equipment and product packaging. Our IT equipment is disposed of responsibly, including comprehensive data declassification and secure data wiping procedures before the equipment is broken down into parts for recycling.  

We are currently working on improving the sustainability of our procurement process, including suppliers with strong environmental policies and energy efficient manufacturing processes. Leaseweb is also investigating ways to donate IT equipment that is no longer needed but is still functional to charities or educational institutions.  

If you would like to learn more about our environmental efforts and policies, read more on our Commitment to Sustainability 

  1. paul
    July 19, 2023 at 17:07

    I have personally experienced the positive impact of choosing eco-conscious service providers in various aspects of my life. Last year, when I was searching for a reliable hosting provider for my website, I made sure to consider environmental factors alongside performance and pricing. I stumbled upon Leaseweb and was immediately impressed by their commitment to sustainability. Knowing that they have achieved a Climate Neutral Data Center Certificate gives me confidence that my website’s data is being hosted in an environmentally responsible manner. In a world where technology and data consumption are rapidly increasing, it’s essential for companies to prioritize sustainability in their operations. Choosing a data center that actively reduces its carbon footprint and invests in renewable energy sources is a powerful step towards a greener future. Leaseweb’s dedication to sustainability not only aligns with my personal values but also sets an example for other companies in the tech industry. I firmly believe that it’s the responsibility of businesses to take concrete actions to mitigate their environmental impact. By supporting companies like Leaseweb, we can collectively contribute to a more sustainable and greener planet.

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