Taking Leaseweb to New Heights in The Cloud: A Rebrand

My team and I are very excited to announce the rebranding of Leaseweb from a hosting provider to a cloud provider. As we said 25 years ago, Leaseweb is a company that “started in the clouds” and our focus remains there. More than ever, the cloud has become a driver of some of the most important tech trends and Leaseweb has a necessary role to play in the marketplace. 

Providing cloud services has been in our portfolio for over a decade now and is already an integral part of our DNA. Our foundation in Dedicated Servers is not one we are turning our backs on, but rather evolving from – after all, cloud computing cannot exist without servers. The time has come to shine the spotlight on the future, and it’s clear that the cloud is what businesses are moving towards. 

Leading the future of Cloud

As a member of Gaia-X AISBL, the European Association for Data and Cloud, Leaseweb helps shape the future of Cloud in Europe. In 2021, we worked on advising the European Union on next-generation sovereign European Cloud infrastructure, by contributing to the European Roadmap for Edge and Cloud, which will help shape the future of the Cloud industry in Europe. These initiatives will help in covering the needs of business and residents in Europe. In other words, we are a recognized cloud authority helping to shape the way the industry develops. It is only natural that we rebrand accordingly. 

The Potential of Cloud

The opportunities that the cloud brings are limitless and as an organization, we are excited to expand in this direction. More and more, companies continue to leverage cloud services in order to access new technologies and drive efficiencies in their own operations and processes. According to Gartner, over 50% of IT spending in software, business services and system infrastructure markets will move to the public cloud by 2025. 

Advantages of Cloud

The resilient characteristic of cloud means that even in the event of a hardware failure, the virtual workloads can be spun up again without needing to wait for hardware to be added or repaired. The cloud components are built following the best high availability practices, with no single points of failure in the infrastructure, network, power or compute. With the cloud, virtual hardware can be deployed easily and can be running in a matter of minutes without needing to manually configure anything. 

Additional tools like Disaster Recovery, which we already provide in several countries and are expanding to more, allow a copy of the running environment to be continuously synchronized to another location where it can run in case of a disaster at the main datacenter. Running a business in the cloud allows companies to avoid the hassle of hiring or training a highly specialized workforce if they want to take advantage of these breakthrough technologies. 

Hybrid computing

For hybrid cloud especially, it is advantageous to diversify services across several providers including cloud and dedicated infrastructure. Hybrid cloud offers reliable disaster recovery, cheaper and faster development, and is particularly useful for dynamic workloads. With this rebrand and more data centers coming, we are continuously increasing our hybrid cloud options to include in your projects. 


As a company committed to sustainability, focusing on cloud services is a fantastic opportunity for Leaseweb to improve our energy efficiency and reduce our carbon footprint. Moving to the cloud can make your business greener, in many cases, and is therefore a step in the right direction. 

Benefits of Cloud per Industry

From the plethora of benefits that the cloud provides, there are some key factors that are particularly beneficial for certain industries. 


Streaming video games is taking hold and will rely on cloud computing to grow. The nature of such gaming, where sudden increases in users is common, means that the flexibility that the cloud has to offer is critical. Both our Elastic Compute and vCloud products provide flexibility with their resource pools to cope with variable demand.


For all industries, but especially Fintech, having the capacity to easily clone complete environments, have isolated deployments, and create snapshots when needed is extremely beneficial. A virtualized network means more secure environments with isolated networks and distributed security components. Our data centers, network, and security provide the best environment for our Single Tenant VMware options to serve these needs. Our plans for the future include more complex architectures, even more security and more data center locations.  


These require huge amounts of computing power and storage space that are generally more cost-efficient to rent as-a-service. Evolving together with the processor technologies, our cloud is ready to run complex and demanding workloads. Connecting our additional services, like Object Storage, provides the perfect ecosystem for you to build and grow your AI/ML.  

What the rebrand means for you 

In a nutshell, this rebrand means more cloud options for your business in more countries from Leaseweb. For over a decade, we have been developing key features and products, including Leaseweb Elastic Compute , VMware vCloud and vSphere clouds across a number of countries, and this list will only continue to grow. Interactions between Leaseweb products, which are already excellent, will diversify and expand. For example, we will keep deploying our cloud products in more countries and datacenters, enabling uncountable options to build wider and more resilient virtual infrastructures. Next to that you can expect additional exciting Cloud products to be rolled out soon. 

Leaseweb as a cloud and hosting provider 

The cloud has been an integral part of Leaseweb for over a decade now and we are excited to center it as our focus and rebrand around it. Afterall, this is undoubtably the future of the market and is where many of our customers’ needs will and do lie. We look forward to reaching new heights in the cloud in the coming years.

  1. zhifeng hu
    zhifeng hu
    January 18, 2023 at 13:32

    so you still not provide service to personal usage? right?

  2. P
    January 18, 2023 at 15:46

    So no more offers on dedicated server?

  3. Leaseweb
    June 28, 2024 at 10:28

    Leaseweb will still be offering all of our dedicated server offers. The rebrand simply highlights our intention to become a cloud-focused provider.

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