Articles by Marcus Busch, Managing Director Leaseweb Deutschland
How Leaseweb manages to attract and retain employees in a highly competitive job market. The shortage of skilled workers continues to be a serious problem, especially for the IT industry. Companies surveyed in the recently published IDC study, “Cloud in Germany 2023” confirmed this, citing a lack of workers in the market and their lack […]
For many companies, cloud computing is becoming central to their business. For these businesses, it is immensely important that the connections between the components of their hybrid and multi-cloud infrastructures are fast, stable and secure. This allows for the possibility of a new private connection directly via the internet exchange — without any detours via […]
Between utopia and reality lies the “dynamic cloud”, a place where all workloads are distributed logically between various cloud platforms and each piece of technology is fully utilized. While the industry as a whole is not yet there, Gaia-X is bringing the dynamic cloud within reach – and may soon offer an exciting new future […]