Fast-tracking innovation with Leaseweb Managed Kubernetes

In a world where businesses demand agility and efficiency, managing containerized applications can be a daunting task. Traditional infrastructure management is manual, error-prone, and inflexible, making it difficult to scale applications and adapt to changing demands. Understanding our customers’ needs, we have picked up the gauntlet and developed Leaseweb Managed Kubernetes. Now out in beta, Leaseweb Managed Kubernetes is a fully managed, cloud-based solution that takes the complexity out of container orchestration, empowering our customers to fast-track application development and delivery. As a bonus, there is no charge for the management of the solution. Only the resources used are charged. 

When container orchestration drains resources

Kubernetes is used to deploy and manage containers at scale and makes it possible to build, provision, and scale apps in containers faster. The value it brings organizations is undeniable but comes at a cost, which often only starts becoming painful after initial smallerscale experiments have been concluded successfully and an organization is ready to start using Kubernetes at scale.  Installing and configuring a Kubernetes environment is a time-consuming and complicated process when it must be done manually. Developers face challenges such as the required version management, upgrades, and scalability. This is when the realization hits that self-managed Kubernetes requires in-depth knowledge and a dedicated focus on development and maintenance. A requirement not every organization, whether a SaaS provider, e-commerce merchant, or any other organization that relies on containerized applications, has the resources or strategy to meet.

Leaseweb Managed Kubernetes 

That’s why we are introducing Leaseweb Managed Kubernetes, a fully managed, cloud-based solution that takes the complexity out of container orchestration. Currently, out in beta in The Netherlands and Canada, Leaseweb Managed Kubernetes leverages the power of Kubernetes to simplify the management and operation of containerized workloads across a cluster of computing nodes. Fully managed means Leaseweb manages the Control Plane while the customer only manages their applications. Leaseweb Managed Kubernetes is built with adherence to CNCF (Cloud Native Computing Foundation) standards (pending CNCF-compliance certification), ensuring industry-standard practices and compatibility.  Our use of Leaseweb Cloud for the worker nodes provides guarantees high availability and performance. As a token of appreciation to our customers, we’re managing  the solution free of charge.  We only charge for the underlying cloud resources utilized in the cluster, such as compute and storage. For which customers can benefit from very attractive rates. 

Future roadmap and add-on features

With the launch of Leaseweb Managed Kubernetes in the Netherlands and Canada we have just started our Managed Kubernetes journey. We will roll out our Managed Kubernetes services to the UK, Germany, the US, and Singapore as soon as possible.  We have deployed our Managed Kubernetes Beta product with the essential features, which were identified through extensive customer conversations and by running an alpha trial for early testing and feedback. We are collaborating actively with our customers to continue to prioritize and add additional features to the product. We will keep you posted on our itinerary.  

Fast-tracking innovation 

For any organization struggling with Kubernetes management, Leaseweb Managed Kubernetes is a great solution to help reduce costs, increase agility, improve reliability, and enhance security. Leaseweb Managed Kubernetes reduces costs by automating repetitive tasks and eliminating manual errors.  It helps to increase agility by providing the ability to quickly deploy new applications and scale them up or down as needed. The solution improves reliability through Kubernetes’ high availability and self-healing capabilities to ensure your applications are always up and running. And finally, it enhances security by implementing industry-standard security practices to protect your applications from cyberattacks. That’s a lot of benefits for a solution we offer free of charge. What’s not to like? 

For more information talk to your account manager or go to: 

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