Leaseweb USA – Invitation to join our family!

I can’t believe it’s already been 1.5 years since the birth of Leaseweb USA, Inc!
Strategically, for the Leaseweb brand, it was the obvious step after strongly leading the European hosting market – the US was what our customers were continuously asking us for. So Leaseweb USA, Inc. was established specifically for targeting and supporting the US market.

Our entrepreneurial DNA combined with a good taste for an adventure and some solid partnerships brought Leaseweb USA, Inc. to launch right to the East coast in the Powerloft datacenter located in Manassas, Virginia.

Our first step in the land of the free and home of the brave has been nothing but exciting, over the last year and a half we grew into over 3,000 servers and each month breaks the last record for new orders.

In the next few months you’ll be reading a lot about our activity and the partners we’re working with, but what I really want to start off with is the introduction of the Leaseweb USA, Inc. team and our US Headquarters in Manassas.

When we first got the space it looked somewhat like a maze with the many cubicles I was here for a few days and we make this sketch of how we wanted it to look like (our hosting skills are better than our drawing skills, promise)

We really wanted an open space and that clean look, and together with the Account Managers, Business Developers and Provision and Support Engineers we worked as one big team to design, install and fine tune the office, have a look at what we did:

We would love to welcome you to our family, if you’re ever in the area please drop by for a data center tour and a delicious fruit smoothie at our office!

1 comment
  1. Praveer
    May 10, 2012 at 15:05

    That’s really nice of you….But sad me couldn’t make use of this opportunity :(

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