The Secret to Shorter Load Times on E-Commerce Sites

E-commerce sales have increased dramatically over the past few years, and the growth continues to accelerate. Between 2015 and 2016, online sales increased almost 16 percent, and e-commerce is expected to continue to grow at rates above 20 percent. For online sellers and developers of e-commerce sites, this means the market will only become more competitive, and […]

5 Ways to Protect Your Company from DDoS Attacks

As an online business, you have the responsibility of ensuring the safety of your customers’ hard-earned money from DDoS attacks. Unfortunately, hackers are making it harder to fulfill that responsibility. Verizon’s 2017 Data Breach Investigations Report found that the e-commerce industry falls victim to cyberattacks more than any other industry. In some cases, hackers are looking to […]

5 Ways to Prepare Your Site for Peaks in Traffic

As an IT professional, you covet page views and unique visitors to your site. But at times of peak traffic, they can be as much of an obstacle as an asset. The popularity of your website can make it the victim of its own success. Target experienced this problem firsthand when it introduced its Lilly Pulitzer […]

3 ways to maximize advertising and website ROI through IaaS

Customers want content delivered instantly. Whether it’s articles & videos or any type of advertising inventory pushed from a Supply-Side Platform (SSP) to a Demand-Side Platform (DSP), Owned Media, or big data being transmitted into a Data Management Platform (DMP) and used for analysis and real-time optimizations, it has to appear on the screen in […]