How to Optimize Your SSDs Drives

This blog is a short introduction to the two different types of SATA SSD and NVMe SSD drives Leaseweb offers its customers. If you want to optimize your costs by selecting the right type of drive, this article is for you. For many years, Leaseweb has been offering SSD drives to its customers. Our customers […]

What Is Kubernetes?

Application container technology – such as Docker and Kubernetes – is revolutionizing application development and bringing previously unimagined flexibility and efficiency to the application software development process. Application containers like Docker containers are lightweight with rapid provisioning (we’re talking milliseconds) and provide an alternative to virtual machines that can consume a high amount of system […]

Success at Apache: The Leaseweb Fork

I joined the Apache CloudStack community in 2012 and became a committer in 2013, eventually becoming a PMC (Project Management Committee) member in 2017. My journey to becoming a PMC was both physical and literal and included several forks in the road. The forks presented themselves in all aspects of my journey – although the […]

How to Set up a Firewall Using pfSense, a Free Open Source Program

What is pfSense? pfSense is a free and open-source program that provides the same (and oftentimes more) functionality as common commercial-grade firewalls. It is based on the FreeBSD operating system with a custom kernel and includes free third-party software packages, adding even more functionality to the program. The program utilizes an intuitive web interface that does not require any UNIX knowledge or the need to manually edit […]

3 Tips for Those Considering an Automated Dedicated Server Solution

Thinking about using an automated dedicated server solution for the first time? Good news – you don’t have to invent everything from scratch. We spoke with Hagen Rother, Lead Architect and Head of IT at LiquidM, a Berlin-based company running one of the first self-service Demand Side Platforms (DSP) on the market. With high amounts of automation being done in a smart way, LiquidM has […]

Automate Your Server Platform Using The Leaseweb API

This blog is about using the Leaseweb API to automate the management of your dedicated servers running with Leaseweb – including examples of how to deploy your dedicated servers without even logging in once! While this article focuses solely on dedicated servers, we also have many API calls for specifically managing your cloud(s) at Leaseweb. […]

One-Click DNSSEC at Leaseweb

For the past couple of weeks, we’ve been working hard to introduce the DNSSEC feature to our customers – and now it’s finally available to the world. To use the Internet, every device starts with DNS. When you open a web page, say, your browser needs to know the IP (Internet Protocol) of […]

New Research Reveals 5 Big Cloud Infrastructure Trends

This year at DeveloperWeek Austin, the largest developer event in Texas and the southern US, we took the opportunity to conduct a survey of attendees – including developers/engineers, developer managers and executives. This “Developer IaaS Insights Study” revealed a number of current industry trends and confirmed Leaseweb USA’s own experiences of the rapidly evolving cloud […]

Taking a shopping trip to the future

The new era of retail is an exciting blend of physical and digital. Our retail experiences are being enriched by technologies such as robotics, artificial intelligence (AI), cloud computing, augmented reality (AR), and virtual reality (VR). It’s amazing how much intelligence is out there!  In this blog post, we follow fictitious protagonist Simon on a trip to […]