Leaseweb Object Storage Now in Canada

We are excited to announce the launch of our new Object Storage service in Canada!   

With the exponential growth in data that we continue to see in today’s world, Object Storage answers the need for reliable storage solutions. Leaseweb Object Storage ensures secure, efficient, and cost-effective management of your valuable data assets. 

What is Object Storage?

Object storage is a data storage architecture that manages data as discrete units called objects, each containing the data itself, metadata, and a unique identifier. Unlike traditional file systems that organize data hierarchically, object storage uses a flat structure, enabling scalability and efficient management of large amounts of unstructured data. It is ideal for applications such as SaaS, big archives, backups, and data analytics due to its ability to handle vast quantities of data with high durability and accessibility for thousands of users.

Object Storage vs File Storage vs Block Storage

Choosing the right type of storage is critical for managing your data effectively. The three main types of storage are Object, File, and Block, each having its own strengths and weaknesses. We have outlined the key differences in the table below, but for more information on comparing these storage solutions you can read our comparative guide blog 

In general, Object Storage can be a more cost-effective, scalable, and secure solution compared to File Storage and Block Storage, as demonstrated below. It allows you to efficiently store and manage large volumes of unstructured data with exceptional durability and availability. 

Feature  File Storage  Block Storage  Object Storage 
Structure  Hierarchical (files and folders)  Fixed-size data blocks  Distinct objects with metadata 
Access Method  File system protocols (e.g., SMB, NFS)  Direct access to data blocks  API-based (e.g., S3) 
Performance  Moderate, suitable for file-based data  High performance, low latency  Higher latency 
Scalability  Limited  Moderate  Extreme 
Cost  Moderate  Higher  Cost-effective for large volumes 
Ideal Use Cases  Document management, shared access, data archiving  Databases, VMs, enterprise apps, logs  AI/ML, SaaS, media distribution, backups and archives, disaster recovery 
Data Type  Structured data  Structured and transactional data  Unstructured data 
Ease of Use  User-friendly, familiar interface, high compatbility  Requires more management  Easy API integration 
Data Integrity  Centralized management, supports file locking  Ensures data consistency  Replication across multiple zones 
Update Method  In-place updates  In-place updates at block level  Entire object must be replaced 

Benefits of Leaseweb Object Storage in Canada

Leaseweb Object Storage is ideal for customers in Canada who are concerned with data residency, data sovereignty, compatibility, and more. 

Data Sovereignty in Canada

Data residency and data sovereignty are increasingly important as each country decides how it will regulate data differently. Leaseweb Object Storage ensures that Canadian data is secure and protected under Canadian law, providing peace of mind for factors such as those listed below: 

National Security 

By ensuring that data is governed by local laws, Canada can better protect sensitive information from foreign surveillance and cyber threats. This is crucial for maintaining the integrity and security of national infrastructure.

Data Privacy and Protection

Data sovereignty helps in enforcing local data protection laws. This ensures that personal data is handled according to Canada’s privacy standards, protecting citizens’ rights.  

Economic Control

By keeping data within national borders, Canada can stimulate its local economies. This includes fostering the growth of local tech industries and creating jobs related to data management and cybersecurity.  

Legal and Regulatory Compliance

Different countries have unique regulations regarding data storage and processing. Data sovereignty ensures organizations comply with Canadia’s local laws, avoiding legal complications and potential fines. 

Control and Governance

Data sovereignty allows countries to maintain control over their citizens’ data, ensuring that it is governed by local laws and regulations. This helps in building trust amongst citizens and businesses.  

S3 API Compatibility

You can seamlessly integrate Leaseweb Object Storage with your existing applications, as it is S3 API compatible. In other words, no headaches.  


Leaseweb Object Storage is a pay-per-use solution meaning the pricing scales with your actual usage. In other words, you’ll only be charged for the storage and traffic that you use without unnecessary monthly fees. Object Storage is also generally more affordable than traditional storage options due to its efficient use of resources and reduced need for expensive hardware.   

High Availability

Redundant connections and multiple availability zones ensure your data is accessible from anywhere via HTTP-based APIs. This makes Leaseweb Object Storage perfect for cloud-based applications, remote access, archives, big data analytics and content distribution

Flexible and Scalable

Quickly scale storage and bandwidth to meet your demands and pay as you go. Leaseweb Object Storage offers unlimited scalability. Our Volumes can reach the order of exabytes and supports file sizes up to 5 terabytes allowing your business to expand, no matter the magnitude of data you need to handle. 


With Leaseweb Object Storage, your data is divided into chunks and distributed over multiple geographical locations called ‘Availability Zones’. This provides extreme durability, granting access to your data even after the complete failure of an entire Availability Zone. Built-in redundancy and data replication ensure 99.99% availability and 99.999999999% durability.   

Simplified Management

Metadata and flat structure simplify data organization and retrieval, reducing administrative overhead.   

Object Storage Use Cases and Industries

Object Storage has a wide range of potential use cases, but we will highlight some of the main ones: 

Technology & Cloud Services: For scalable storage solutions, backup, and disaster recovery.  

Media & Entertainment: For storing large volumes of video, audio, and multimedia content.  

Healthcare: For secure storage of patient records, medical imaging, and research data.  

Finance: For handling vast amounts of transactional data and secure archival.  

Education & Research: For storing academic resources, research data, and collaborative projects.  

E-commerce: For managing product images, transaction records, and customer data.  

Telecommunications: For storing call records, customer data, and large-scale analytics.  

Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning: For managing large datasets required for training models and analytics. 


To learn more about Leaseweb Object Storage, visit our product page 

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