Unlocking the Benefits of Leaseweb Public Cloud

In the below blog we will discuss the benefits of Leaseweb Public Cloud. Our Public Cloud is designed to provide you with a scalable and reliable cloud computing solutions that supports global reach and data sovereignty. With Leaseweb Public Cloud, you can expect robust performance, advanced automation, and great network features to meet your cloud computing needs. Let’s dive deeper into what these benefits mean and how they can help your business grow.

Benefits of Leaseweb Public Cloud

1. Scalability

Leaseweb Public Cloud allows you to scale your resources up or down based on demand. Whether you need additional compute power, storage, or networking, the cloud infrastructure can adapt to your needs. 

Advanced API Automation

Leaseweb provides APIs for automation and integration with other Leaseweb solutions and hyperscalers.

AWS Compatibility

The Leaseweb API is compatible with AWS, making it easier to transition or integrate with existing AWS workloads.

2. Reliability

Leaseweb ensures consistent and dependable services without interruptions.


The infrastructure is designed with redundancy to minimize downtime.

Robust Data Sovereignty Features

Leaseweb respects data sovereignty requirements, ensuring compliance with regional regulations.

Support SLAs

Leaseweb offers service level agreements (SLAs) to guarantee availability and responsiveness.

3. Global Reach

Leaseweb Public Cloud is available globally, reducing latency and ensuring global accessibility for your applications and services. Our data centers are based in Amsterdam, Frankfurt, London, Washington, San Francisco, Singapore, and Montreal.

4. Cost Effectiveness

Leaseweb offers a flexible on-demand subscription model, allowing you to pay for resources as needed (hourly or monthly billing).

No Upfront Investment

You don’t need to invest upfront in software licenses or data centers.

Cost reduction

30% cost reduction compared to hyperscalers*.
*Cost reduction % is based on benchmarks of standardized workloads. Exact cost reduction will differ based on individual use cases and workload.

So why should you choose Leaseweb Public Cloud?

At Leaseweb, we go beyond just providing cloud services. Our advanced technical team is available to answer all your questions and support you when needed. This provides you with a seamless cloud experience backed by real people who care about your success.

Consultative Approach

We take a consultative approach, understanding your unique requirements.

Support SLAs

Leaseweb offers service level agreements (SLAs) of up to 99.99% availability SLA for all instances.

Advanced Technical Support

For complex issues, Leaseweb provides specialized technical assistance.


Leasweb Public Cloud provides a great solution for businesses looking for a scalable, flexible, and cost-effective solution. Our Cloud services adapt to your needs on demand, ensuring you can scale up and down when needed. Best of all, you only pay for what you use. If you are a business that needs this flexibility, then the Public Cloud is the perfect solution for you.

Visit our Public Cloud product page for more.

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